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Learn & EngageIn the Moment Workshops

Whether you are a formal learner, or just curious to find out more, we can help you to engage with creativity, conceptual thinking and cultural meaning at IMMA.

In the Moment Workshops

Location: The People’s Pavilion
Tues 10 October 11am-12.30pm

Free, Bookable via [email protected] 

You are invited to experience art and natural beauty in the grounds of IMMA, through a series of sensory themed sessions. Take time for yourself, slowing down to look closely, connect with the senses and create, in a relaxed atmosphere. Free and no previous experience of art or mindfulness needed, all welcome.

This workshop is offered as part of IMMA Horizons Lifelong Creativity for the Curious, a new programme at IMMA. IMMA Horizons aims to contribute to new thinking on how creativity can positively impact health and wellbeing through programming and partnerships, and offers opportunities to connect through creativity and curiosity, supporting wellbeing with engaging arts experiences.

Participants are welcome to attend just one workshop, or multiple workshops during the series.